MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

This is our story

We started out as a "factory for technical hoses" with just 3 employees and 400 m² of production space in 1987 in Herten/Ruhr area. Today, Masterflex SE is the technology and world market leader for technical hoses and connection solutions with over 600 employees worldwide.



World market leader once again!

Every year, the so-called “World Market Leader Index”, which lists all world market leaders from German-speaking countries, is compiled under the scientific direction of the University of Sankt Gallen using freely available company data. Once again, the Masterflex Group is one of these “World Market Leader Champions”. The entire list of world market leaders is published every year in the business magazine “WirtschaftsWoche”. 

Image: World market leader award

We are (again) Global Market Leader!

With its listing in the World Market Leader Index, the Masterflex Group is once again one of the world market leader champions. In a special edition, WirtschaftsWoche presented the success stories of these "500 secret world market leaders 2022".

The Masterduct Executive Board with the award from the business magazine Capital in 2021.

"Capital" selects Masterflex Group

For the second time, the business magazine "Capital", together with the market research institute "Statista", has chosen the most innovative companies in Germany. One of the 473 German companies honored is the Masterflex Group!

Click here for the Capital ranking of Germany's most innovative companies!

TOP 100 Innovator Award

The Masterflex Group has once again made it into the TOP 100, making it one of the most innovative companies in Germany. TOP 100 is the only innovation competition that honors medium-sized companies for their innovation management and innovation success.

The Masterflex Group has received this award for the third time.


Award: World market leader again

The Masterflex Group is listed in the World Market Leader Index of the University of St. Gallen again this year.

The designation "world market leader" stands for globally operating and successful companies with leading technologies and outstanding quality of their products and services across all industries.


Relaunch: The new website of the Masterflex Group

Tush! The new website of the Masterflex Group presents itself with a fresh design, completely revised and target group-oriented content as well as user-friendly and intuitive navigation.

A special highlight is the new corporate film.


We are World Market Leader!

After 2017 and 2018, the Masterflex Group has again made it into the ranking of German global market leaders. With its listing in the Global Market Leader Index of the University of St. Gallen, the Masterflex Group is once again one of the global market leaders.


Masterduct cooperates with Winkler AG with templine® Heating Hoses

Masterflex SE and Winkler AG, market leader in the field of heating hoses and heating systems, have agreed on an extensive cooperation. With immediate effect, Winkler AG will take over the templine® product group as well as the templine® brand and its marketing from Masterflex SE. Masterduct has been manufacturing heating hose systems under the templine® brand for more than 10 years. The sales and technical teams of both companies are trying to ensure as far as possible that there will be no restrictions or delays for customers during the transition phase.


New Food Tube with EU Approval

Novoplast Schlauchtechnik launches the first food tube made of polyurethane that has EU food approval as a whole. The Master-Tube PUR 98A Food product line fulfils all requirements according to the regulations of Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 including the amending regulations as well as the German Commodity Ordinance - and thus simultaneously complies with the regulations of Regulation (EU) No. 1935/2004 and the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB).


The AMPIUS® App is Launched

Just in time for the start of series production of AMPIUS® hose systems with integrated lifecycle tracking functions, the matching AMPIUS® app from the Masterflex Group is being launched. Hose systems in conjunction with an app and a smartphone provide a wealth of data that can be used to monitor and optimize the associated processes or detect faults at an early stage.

The logo for the Top 100 Innovator Award 2019 with which the Masterflex Group was awarded for the second time in 2019.

We are TOP 100 Innovator!

The Masterflex Group is one of the most innovative companies in the German SME sector - awarded by TOP 100. For the second time (after 2016), we are pleased to accept the award from Ranga Yogeshwar, TV journalist and mentor of the competition. As the only innovation competition in Germany, TOP 100 awards medium-sized companies for their innovation management and innovation success. We were particularly convincing in the category "Innovative Processes and Organisation".


New AMPIUS® flyer shows digital possibilities

"AMPIUS® - The Future of Flow Technology" - is the title of the new "AMPIUS® Flyer. Under this name, the Masterflex Group has developed hose systems that will soon be equipped with a digital interface as standard. AMPIUS® hose systems combine individual sensor technology with lifecycle tracking functions and smart material.

Click here for the flyer


Masterduct presents new Suction and Transport Hose

Masterduct once again ensures that streets, squares and paths remain clean and presents a new microbe and hydrolysis resistant suction and transport hose made of polyurethane, which was specially developed for use in waste disposal and cleaning technology: The Master-PUR H Streetmaster Pro. The new hose from the proven Streetmaster series has a very special construction which ensures significantly improved compressibility, greater flexibility and optimised flow characteristics.


Stifterverband honors Masterflex Group

The Masterflex Group has been awarded the "Innovative through Research" seal of approval. This seal of approval, which is awarded by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany), is given to companies that take part in the biennial full survey of research and development in the German economy. The survey is conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


An important Contribution to Digitization - Interview in "Technischer Handel

With AMPIUS, the Masterflex Group has struck a chord with its customers - this is the conclusion one year after the introduction of the first networkable and intelligent hose systems. The trade magazine "Technischer Handel" spoke with project manager Stefan Nüßen and the CEO of the Masterflex Group, Dr. Andreas Bastin, about this important contribution to digitalization.

Here you can find the complete interview (german version only)


New Medical Technology Brochure

The new medical technology brochure shows in compact form on 20 pages what we do, what makes our products stand out and what material and manufacturing expertise we have. For the first time, the brands Novoplast Schlauchtechnik, Fleima-Plastic and APT are presented together.

Here you can find the brochure


Masterduct receives AEO Certification

Masterduct becomes an "Authorized Economic Operator" and thus has a very special status: An "Authorized Economic Operator" (AEO) is considered to be particularly reliable and trustworthy and can take advantage of special benefits in customs clearance.


Masterduct receives Patent for Master-PUR Inline and Master-PUR Performance Hoses

Pole position for Masterduct: We have received a patent for our Master-PUR Inline and Master-PUR Performance hoses. The patent describes the inner lining of the hoses and covers both the manufacturing process and the finished product. This makes Masterduct the only manufacturer in Germany that can - and is allowed to - produce smooth lined polyurethane hoses in lengths of up to 25 meters in one piece.


University of St. Gallen honours Masterflex Group as World Market Leader Champion 2018

With its listing in the global market leader index of the University of St. Gallen, the Masterflex Group is once again one of the global market leaders in the "Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals" sector - and thus again one of the world's best companies this year.


Masterduct Celebrates Anniversary

Masterduct turns 18 years old - and thanks its customers, suppliers and business partners for the trust they have placed in us. 


The templine® Vario awarded as Top Product 2017

A hose within a hose: The templine® Vario heating hose with replaceable inner core is awarded the title of Top Product of the Year 2017 by the trade journal "Process". The excellent properties and an inner hose that can be replaced very easily convince the renowned expert jury and secure the templine® Vario heating hose a place among the TOP 10.


Company Portrait: "This millimetre work goes out into the world"

"Mould making - injection moulding - assembly: everything from one source" is the motto at Fleima-Plastic. Behind this are standard medical articles, but also customer-specific components manufactured with our own injection moulds. Read the whole article in the Oderwälder Zeitung from 27.10.2017.

Click here for the company portrait (german version only)


New APT Brand: First Projects mainly in Medical Technology

Since the beginning of 2017, APT has been sailing under the flag of the Masterflex Group. And it has been on a successful course: "The revenue generated to date fully meets our expectations, and is even slightly above target," says Dr. Andreas Bastin, CEO of the Masterflex Group. The first joint sales projects, particularly in the Medical Technology business unit, have been launched and have a good chance of culminating in major orders.


AMPIUS®: Masterduct Digitalizes the Hose Business

The Masterflex Group is the first company on the market to offer networkable and intelligent or smart variants and options for the entire hose range. The name AMPIUS® covers all hose systems that are equipped with digital interfaces and offer lifecycle tracking functions. The digitalization options are not limited to specific hose series or markets, but can be adapted to specific customer requirements.


Masterflex Group once again among the 100 most successful Companies in the German SME Sector

What would the German economy be like without the middle class? Half as successful, half as diverse and far less international, says Munich Strategy Group (MSG), and therefore, together with the daily newspaper "Die Welt", it has chosen the "TOP 100 growth and earnings stars" from the SME sector for the seventh time. This is the second time that the Masterflex Group has made the leap into the elite of German SMEs. For the ranking, the structural data of around 3,500 SMEs from all sectors and federal states were evaluated.


APT strengthens the Masterflex Group

The fluoropolymer specialist APT Advanced Polymer Tubing GmbH from Neuss becomes part of the Masterflex Group. APT has outstanding know-how in the field of high-tech plastics such as PTFE and other fully and partially fluorinated polymers. The material and application know-how that APT brings to the table will strategically round out the Masterflex Group's product portfolio.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Produktabbildung des neuen, ultraleichten Master-PUR L-F Trivolution, der als Premiumprodukt für leichte Absauganwendungen konzipiert ist

New permanently antistatic Suction and Transport Hose from the Food A Series 100% Food safe

Hoses or connecting lines in the food and pharmaceutical industries must meet strict regulations and requirements with regard to quality, hygiene, abrasion resistance, flexibility and load capacity. Masterduct has added a new suction and transport hose made of polyurethane (PUR) to its range of permanently antistatic foodstuff hoses especially for use in these industries: Due to its novel material composition, Master-PUR FOOD A Multi is suitable for the transport of foodstuffs according to simulant groups A to E. It can be used to transport almost all types of food (dry, aqueous, acidic, alcoholic and fatty) and dairy products safely and reliably.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to changed limit values, these hoses currently no longer meet the approval for the food sector.


Masterflex Group belongs to the TOP 100

For the 23rd time, the TOP 100, the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany, will be awarded. This year, the Masterflex Group is part of this innovation elite for the first time - and has participated in a demanding, scientific selection process. Innovation management and innovation success were examined. The mentor of the innovation competition, Ranga Yogeshwar, honored the top innovator at the German SME Summit in Essen on June 24.


Masterduct as the first European Hose Manufacturer Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Masterflex SE in Gelsenkirchen has been successfully certified in accordance with the new international standard ISO 9001:2015, making it the first manufacturer of technical hoses and connection systems in Europe to be awarded this quality mark. The certificate was handed over by TÜV Nord and is monitored regularly on an ongoing basis, making all process steps even more comprehensible and transparent for customers - this includes, for example, ensuring that all employees receive targeted training and continuously improve their expertise.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Abbildung des neuen Ehrenvoritzenden des Aufsichtsrats, Friedrich Wilhelm Bischoping

Friedrich Wilhelm Bischoping becomes Honorary Chairman

In the course of the IPO in 2000, Friedrich Wilhelm Bischoping, one of the founders of the Masterflex Group, moved to the head of the Supervisory Board. He is now relinquishing this office after 16 years. He said it was "exactly the right time" to place this important task in younger hands. The graduate engineer founded Masterduct Kunststofftechnik GmbH with two partners in 1987. At that time, the company had three employees; today, it has more than 600 employees worldwide. Bischoping becomes Honorary Chairman of the Masterflex Group.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Grundsteinlegung in Gelsenkirchen zum Ausbau der Produktions- und Büroflächen, bei der Vorstandsvorsitzender Dr. Andreas Bastin, Thomas Kämpf Leiter M&A und Oberbürgermeister Frank Baranowski die Zeitkapsel in das Mauerwerk der neuen Hallen eingebettet haben

Foundation Stone laid at Masterflex SE: Production and Warehouse at Gelsenkirchen Site expanded

In Gelsenkirchen, the most important location for the production of spiral hoses, storage and production capacities are being significantly expanded. Initially, the approx. 850 sqm warehouse on Willy-Brandt-Allee was put into operation at the beginning of the year. In a second step, a 2-storey new building with a gross floor area of 7,700 sqm and paved outdoor facilities will be constructed. The laying of the foundation stone with the Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Andreas Bastin was attended by Lord Mayor Frank Baranowski and representatives of the Gelsenkirchen Economic Development Agency as well as customers and business partners.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Neue, 850 Quadratmeter große Lagerhalle am Standort von  Masterduct in Gelsenkirchen, als ergänzender Schritt zum Ausbau der Produktionsflächen die Ende 2016 fertig gestellt werden

Masterduct invests in Site Expansions

The Masterflex Group is investing around seven million euros in the expansion of the Gelsenkirchen site. In doing so, the company aims to meet the constantly rising order situation, but also to strengthen the location and offer its employees an economically secure future. Both warehouse and production capacity will be expanded.


The Master-PUR LF Trivolution from Masterduct - A new Premium Product for simple Extraction Applications

The new super-light Master-PUR LF Trivolution polyurethane film sleeve is launched. It is designed for simple extraction applications and is the perfect entry-level product in premium quality. With its three characteristic properties (permanently antistatic, microbe-resistant, flame-retardant) it joins the proven and popular "Trivolution" hose series.


Allow me, Masterflex Group, World Market Leader!

Who does not like to claim that they are the world market leader? Far too many companies, says the University of St. Gallen - and without further ado has developed its own ranking for "real" world market leaders. The Masterflex Group made it into the renowned university's new global market leader ranking at the first attempt, making it one of the "real global market leaders".

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Azubis von Masterduct sowie Frau Christina Neubauer, Leiterin der Personalabteilung der Masterflex Group, in  den Räumlichkeiten der Gelsenkichener Tafel nach einer erneut erfolgreichen Weihnachtsaktion, bei der beim Verpacken von Spenden geholfen wurde

Christmas campaign of the Gelsenkirchener Tafel

This year again, the trainees will support the Gelsenkirchener Tafel in its Christmas campaign and will spend two days wrapping donations as Christmas presents.


Food series meets the standard

Antistatic FOOD hoses from Masterduct comply with the new EU Regulation No. 10/2011, which will apply to all hoses suitable for use with foodstuffs from 2016. This means that all FOOD hoses can be used to transport food products from potato starch to sugar to frozen foods and even powdered milk for baby food.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Fotoshooting in den Produktionshallen bei Masterduct im Rahmen der bundesweiten Anzeigenkampagne für den Industriestandort Gelsenkirchen

"With us it's something" - Masterflex Group supports campaign of Gelsenkirchen site

The Masterflex Group, which has been based in Gelsenkirchen-Erle for more than 25 years, is one of 13 companies participating in a nationwide advertising campaign to draw attention to Gelsenkirchen and, of course, to the leading hose specialist.


Masterflex Group reorganises its Russian business

In October, Masterflex SE sells its shares in Masterduct RUS from St. Petersburg. In return, an exclusive trading partnership is signed with the new majority owner and previous partner, SovPlym.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Symbolische Scheckübergabe in den Räumlichkeiten der  Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel, bei der Herr Anthony Quinn, Marketing Leiter Masterflex Group, die beim B2Run erlaufene Summe überreicht

Donation to the Gelsenkirchener Tafel

At the B2Run company race in Gelsenkirchen Schalke, the Masterduct team achieved a great 25th place in the overall standings. A donation of 1,100 euros was raised for the Gelsenkirchen Children's Table.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Azubis von Masterduct in den Räumlichkeiten der Gelsenkirchener Tafel, nachdem sie beim verpacken von Sachspenden für Weihnachtspräsente die Tafel im Rahmen der dauerhaften Kooperation unterstützt haben

Christmas Sponsorship Cooperation

As part of the sponsoring cooperation with Tafel Gelsenkirchen, the trainees will spend two days during the Advent season sorting and packaging donations in kind as Christmas presents.


Masterduct introduces FireFlex

In autumn, the innovative FireFlex hose will be launched on the US market. FireFlex is a vehicle exhaust hose specially designed for high temperature applications and was developed especially for the fleet of fire brigades.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct, Novoplast Schlauchtechnik: Das Messeteam von Novoplast Schlauchtechnik und Masterduct präsentiert erstmals Seite an Seite Produkte aus ihrem Sortiment auf dem  Gemeinschaftsmessestand auf der Hannover Messe

The Masterflex Group at the Hannover Messe

At the Hanover Fair, the Masterflex Group will present itself for the first time together with its Masterduct and Novoplast Schlauchtechnik brands. The Prime Minister of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. Reiner Haseloff, had the Masterflex Group's innovations on display during the trade fair.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Abbildung der 3 Superhelden die als Kampagnenmotiv für die Neueinführung des Master-PUR Trivolution dienen und die 3 Haupteigenschaften der Schlauchserie Antistatik, Mikrobenresistenz und Schwerentflammbarkeit symbolisieren

World first at the Masterflex Group

In February 2014, the Masterflex Group launches the worldwide new product Master-PUR Trivolution on the market: a single hose with THREE additional features. The Master-PUR Trivolution® spiral hose is antistatic according to TRBS 2153, microbe resistant and flame retardant according to DIN 4102 B1.

For the product launch, a colourful and sympathetic marketing offensive is launched with three symbolic "super-heroes".

Masterflex Group, Novoplast: Neue Produktionsanlage mit Bedienpanel im neu errichteten Reinraum von Novoplast in Halberstadt, mit einem Mitarbeiter aus dem Bereich Medizintechnik der die Maschine bedient

Expansion of the clean rooms at Novoplast Schlauchtechnik

In autumn 2013, the Masterflex Group will commission new clean rooms at its Halberstadt site. In order to meet the growing needs of its customers in the medical technology sector, production for the Novoplast Schlauchtechnik brand was expanded by a new clean room.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Produktabbildung des neuen Master-PUR Performace, der mit seiner nahtlos glatten Innenoberfläche den stärksten Belastungen beim Schüttguttransport standhält und eine absolute Weltneuheit darstellt

A Star is born - the new Master-PUR Performance

In September 2013, the Masterflex Group will launch an absolute world first on the market for spiral hoses: The "Master-PUR Performance®" of the Masterduct brand. This extruded spiral hose with an absolutely seamlessly smooth surface on the inside can withstand the greatest stresses when transporting rough or heavy bulk goods and is also much more flexible than comparable heavy PU hoses.


New agreement on Group financing

In May, the Group's refinancing until 2018 is newly agreed. The new syndicated loan for a total of up to EUR 40 million has a term until June 2018 and was concluded with only four banks. This agreement replaces the old loan, which is valid until 2015, as well as essentially all other credit lines in the Masterflex Group and also provides funds for possible acquisitions in the core business.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct, Fleima Plastic, Matzen & Timm, Novoplast, Masterduct: Logos aller Unternehmensmarken die unter dem Dach der Masterflex Group einen kompletten Corporate Design Relaunch vollzogen haben und sich nun mit einheitlichem Markenauftritt präsentieren

Uniform brand image

Since March 2013 Masterduct has been presenting itself in a new brand identity. Since then, all products have been offered on the market under one of the five corporate brands - Masterduct, Matzen & Timm, Novoplast Schlauchtechnik, Fleima-Plastic and Masterduct - under the Masterflex Group umbrella brand.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Übergabe der Jubiläumsurkunde der Industrie und Handelskammer zu Gelsenkirchen an den Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Andreas Bastin und an den Vorsitzenden des Aufsitchtsrats Herrn Friedrich Wilhelm Bischoping, anlässlich des 25 jährigen Firmenjubiläums von Masterduct

25th company anniversary at Masterduct

Masterduct will celebrate its 25th anniversary in October 2012. On this occasion, donations will be collected internally and externally for the Gelsenkirchener Tafel e.V. A handsome four-digit amount will be collected.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Hauptversammlung der Masterflex Group im Schloss Horst, auf der im Juni 2012 mit großer Mehrheit der die Rechtsformumwandlung von der Masterduct AG in die Masterflex SE  beschlossen wurde und welche ab Oktober 2012 in Kraft trat

Change of legal form to an SE

The Annual General Meeting in June approves the conversion to Masterflex SE by a large majority. The reason for the change in legal form is its greater acceptance by globally active customers and investors. Formally, the conversion to an SE will take effect on 1 October 2012, with no changes to the stock exchange listing.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Urkundenübergabe mit der Auszeichnung

Award as family-friendly company

In August, Masterduct is awarded the "Family-friendly company 2012" seal by the Gelsenkirchen Alliance for Families. This was in recognition of the practice of family-friendly working time models and emergency regulations (illness, loss of lessons) that has been customary here for years.

Masterflex Group, Masterflex Asia: Abbildung des Vertriebsteams aus Singapur und China am Messestand, welches successive aus- und aufgebaut wird um die Vertriebsregion Asien weiter auszubauen

Expansion in Asia

For the expansion into Asia, subsidiaries are founded in Germany, Singapore and China. After a successful search for a location, the sales team in Singapore and China will be successively built up.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Urkundenübergabe an Herrn Ole Stein durch den OB Frank Baranowski

Award by the "Ökoprofit" project

Masterduct is awarded for its successful participation in the "Ökoprofit" project. The aim is to develop practical ideas that reduce the burden on the environment and at the same time cut operating costs.

Click here for the certificate

Masterflex Group, Masterflex Asia: Abbildung des German Centers in Singapur in dem die neue Führungsgesellschaft Masterflex Asia Pte Ltd ab Dezember ansässig ist und mit der die Masterflex Group die Expansionspläne Richtung Asien in die Tat umsetzt

First steps towards Asia

In December, the Masterflex Group begins its expansion into Asia with the establishment of the Asian lead company Masterflex Asia Pte Ltd in Singapore and a further location near Shanghai / China.


Growth through innovation

Fittings in 3-D geometry can replace heavy metal pipes. They also dampen vibrations.

The inert gas hose developed by Matzen & Timm for the tank system of the Airbus A380 / M400 is as light as a feather, electrically conductive and non-flammable.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct:  Urkundenübergabe

Turnarounder of the year

In autumn, Masterduct's CEO, Dr. Andreas Bastin, will be awarded the "Turnarounder of the Year 2011" prize in the category 'companies up to 500 employees' by the auditing company BDO and the magazine impulse.


Acceptance Campaign In|dus|trie

In the summer, Masterduct joins the acceptance campaign of the IHK North Westphalia. With this campaign, the local industrial companies are promoting greater understanding and proximity among the people of the region.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct Cesko: Abbildung des Teams vom Produktions- und Vertriebsstandorts Masterduct Cesko .r.o. in Tschechien in der Produktionshalle

New company in the Czech Republic

With its subsidiary Masterduct Cesko s.r.o., Masterduct is starting its own sales activities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Sale of Clean Air Bike GmbH

Masterduct sold Clean Air Bike GmbH, Berlin, and Velo Drive GmbH, Herten, in April. Finally, the fuel cell technology activities are sold in October as part of an asset deal. The refocusing on the core business of High-tech Hose Systems, which began in 2008, is now complete.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Produktabbildung des neu entwickelten templine Heizschlauchs im Querschnitt, mit seinem innenliegenden Medienschlauch, der Heizspirale und der speziellen Umflechtung, für eine gleichmäßige Erwärmung des Fördermediums

The Product Innovation: templine®

The electrically heated hose system templine® is presented externally for the first time. The unique design of templine® enables uniform heating of the conveyed material. This results in significant savings in energy consumption. templine® is awarded product of the month.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Abbildung des neuen eletrisch ableitfähigen Schlauchs Master-Clip Viton, als Ergänzung des Sortiments für Schläuche für EX gefährdete Zonen

New electrically conductive Hose Type

With the new electrically conductive hose type Master-Clip VITON® EL, Masterduct expands its range of highly flexible clamping profile hoses for EX-hazardous areas by another product.


Sale of the Mobility Group

The Board announces the sale of the Mobility Group as the last remaining activity outside the core business of the Masterflex Group. The sale, which will take place in 2011, will complete the restructuring of the Group initiated in 2008 (concentration on the core High-tech Hose Systems business).


Expansion of the Masterflex Group

A new sales company is being established in Brazil. In Russia, a joint venture with a Swedish-Russian company is launched. Masterduct thus continues to expand its international activities in the core High-tech Hose Systems business unit during its restructuring.


Sale of SURPRO GmbH

As part of the refocusing on the core business, the subsidiary SURPRO GmbH is sold.


20-year Company Anniversary at Novoplast Schlauchtechnik

The self-founded subsidiary Novoplast Schlauchtechnik celebrates its 20th anniversary.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Tobende Hunde auf dem Hundeplatz mit der neuen Produktserie fun-flexx® die als professionelle Hundetunnel für den Hundesport und Freizeiteinsätze mit Hund genutzt werden

New Product Series: fun-flexx®

With the fun-flexx® product series, Masterduct offers professional dog tunnels for dog sports and recreational use as well as tunnel systems for ferrets.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Abbildung der neuen antistatische Schlauchserie, die alle Anforderungen der neuen TRBS Richtlinie 2153 zur ableitung elektrostatischer Aufladung erfüllt und abriebfeste und mikrobenfeste Schläuche sowie Lebensmittel- und Pharmaschläuche umfasst

Start of Production: antistatic Hose Series for EX Zones

Masterduct produces an antistatic hose series for EX zones with non-migrating permanent antistatic agent that meets all requirements of the new TRBS 2153 directive (formerly BGR 132 directive) for the dissipation of electrostatic charges. The product series includes abrasion and microbe-resistant hoses as well as hoses for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Mark Becks, wird am 1. Juni 2009 neuer Finanzvorstand der Masterduct AG und unterstütz Dr. Andreas Bastin an der Spitze des Unternehmens

New Chief Financial Officer

On June 1, Mark Beck will become the new CFO of Masterduct AG.


New hose series "Master-TPA

Masterduct produces the "Master-TPA" hose series, which consists of around 30 percent renewable raw materials and combines a wide range of product properties that previously could only be offered by isolated, very special material types.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Neue Klemmschalenverbindung zum kombinieren von handelsüblichen standard Verbindungselementen miteinander kombinieren zu können

Novel Clamping Shell Connection System

Masterduct offers a new type of clamping shell connection system, a customer-oriented, cost-effective system solution with which commercially available standard connecting elements can be easily combined.


Cooperation in the Marketing of Fuel Cells

The subsidiaries Masterduct Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH and digomed:medical IT solutions GmbH agree to cooperate in the marketing of fuel cells.


Sale of DICOTA GmbH

As part of the refocusing on the core business, the subsidiary DICOTA GmbH is sold.

Masterflex Group, Novoplast Schlauchtechnik: Novoplast Schlauchtechnik erweiteret die Produktionsflächen mit einer neuen, 2.000 qm großen Produktionshalle am Firmensitz  in Halberstadt.

Site expansion in Halberstadt

The subsidiary Novoplast Schlauchtechnik opens a new 2,000 sqm production hall.


Herzog now on the Supervisory Board

The former Chairman of the Executive Board, Detlef Herzog, is elected to the Supervisory Board by the Annual General Meeting.


Expansion of the Production Possibilities

Masterduct extends the production possibilities of the Master-Clip series up to diameter 2000 (formerly DN 900). By means of an external steel spiral, the materials used are clamped to form tension-resistant hoses. This process enables the processing of special fabrics into high-quality suction and blower hoses.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Abbildung des neuen Vorstandsvorsitzenden Dr. Andreas Bastin, der zum 1. April 2008 vom Aufsichtsrat an die Spitze der Masterduct AG gewählt wurde und die strategische neuausrichtung

Change at the Top of the Board

As of 1 April 2008, Dr Andreas Bastin will become the new CEO of Masterduct AG. The strategic realignment of the Masterflex Group with a focus on the core business unit High-Tech Hose Systems and its financing is initiated.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Abbildung des Lastentaxis von dem 14 Stück in Berlin bereits unterwegs sind und die von der deutschen Telekom getestet werden

Cargobikes in Use

Deutsche Telekom is testing cargo bikes from Masterduct - 14 cargo taxis are in use in Berlin.


Relocation of the Production Site Bulgaria

The hose production site in Bulgaria will be relocated to the Czech Republic. There, the subsidiary SURPRO produces locally.


Support for the largest Tunnel Project in Germany

The subsidiary TechnoBochum GmbH is the supplier for the largest tunnel project in Germany, the extension and new construction of the Karlsruhe-Basel railway line.


Acquisition of Shares

DICOTA GmbH acquired seventy percent of the shares in DICOTA AG, CH-Freienbach on 11 October 2007.


Masterduct develops new production line

At Masterduct in the USA, a completely new product line for high-temperature hoses is being developed.


Further development of hydrogen fuel cell technology

Within the framework of the HYCHAIN-MINITRANS project, political representatives from the four participating regions agree to cooperate closely on the use and further development of hydrogen fuel cell technology for vehicles.


Largest order in company history

The subsidiary CAB GmbH supplies 14,000 electrically powered bicycles. This is a decisive step towards further opening up the market for light mobile vehicles.


Asian expansion of the DICOTA Group

The DICOTA Group is successfully expanding in Asia and will be exhibiting its product range at Computex in Taipei.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Produktabbildung des zertifizierten Komplettschlauchsystems das sich zur Förderung von flüssigen Lebensmitteln eignet  und welches Masterduct als erster und einziger Hersteller anbietet

Merger in medical technology

Novoplast Schlauchtechnik becomes a member of the MIMEG network, an association of nine medical technology companies:


Certified complete hose system for food

Masterduct is the first and only manufacturer to offer a certified complete hose system for conveying liquid food.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Produktabbildung des neuen Master-PUR Inline Schlauchs mit seiner nahtlos glatten Innenauskleidung ,für hoch abrasive Fördergüter

Masterduct sets Industry Standards

Masterduct sets new standards in conveyor technology with the Master-PUR inline hose type. The PU-lined, seamlessly smooth hose has a service life up to 6.5 times longer and better pressure resistance than the best tested rubber hose.


New Standard Range at Novoplast Schlauchtechnik

The subsidiary Novoplast Schlauchtechnik GmbH presents a new standard program for microbe and hydrolysis resistant PUR pneumatic hoses and thermofixed hoses. The latter are used, for example, on textile machines.


Participation in PERM Motor GmbH

Masterduct Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH acquires a 67 percent interest in PERM Motor GmbH, Breisach. PERM supplies a key product for the technical drive of the Cargobikes.

Masterflex Group, Matzen & Timm: Aussenansicht des neuen Firmensitzes des Tochterunternehmens Matzen & Timm, nach Umzug nach Norderstedt Nähe Hamburg, zur Vergrößerung der  Produktionskapazitäten

Relocation to Norderstedt for Matzen & Timm

The subsidiary Matzen & Timm GmbH increases its production capacities and moves its headquarters from Hamburg to Norderstedt.


Use during the World Cup in Germany

T-Com is using the world's first Cargobikes during the World Cup in Germany.


10 year anniversary at Masterflex UK

The British subsidiary Masterduct Technical Hoses Ltd. celebrates its tenth anniversary.

MasterductGroup, Masterduct: Vertraglich festgelegte beteiligung am EU-Projekt HyChain Minitrans zur Auslieferung von Cargobikes mit Brennstoffzellentechnologie von Masterduct

Cross-border project for Masterduct Brennstoffzellentechnik GmbH

Masterduct will deliver Cargobikes (light vehicles) with fuel cell drive as part of the EU project HyChain Minitrans. The contract will be signed in Brussels in the presence of representatives of the EU Commission. The transnational project is intended to demonstrate innovative and sustainable alternatives to the heavily oil-dependent transport industry.


First delivery worldwide

Delivery of the world's first fleet of bicycles with fuel cell drive to the city of Herten in the Ruhr area.


Acquisition of the SURPRO group of companies

Masterduct acquires the SURPRO Group, one of the leading companies in the precious metal coating sector.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Produktvorstellung des neuen

Presentation of the "Cargobike" freight taxi

The universally applicable cargo taxi "Cargobike" with an innovative hydrogen-based fuel cell drive system is presented for the first time. In addition to the drive, electricity can also be provided for lighting or cooling transported goods. The range is 250 km.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Porträit Abbildung des neuen Finanzvorstands der Masterduct AG, Ulrich Wantia, der vom Aufsichtsrat am 10. Dezember 2004  gewählt wurde

New Chief Financial Officer

Ulrich Wantia will be appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer by the Supervisory Board on 10 December 2004.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Vorstellung des ersten Elektofahrrades auf der Hannover Meese, welches mit dem von Masterduct entwickelten Brennstoffzellenantrieb ausgestattet ist und dort von NRW-Minister Axel Horstmann probegefahren wird

First prototype of an electric bicycle from Masterduct

Masterduct presents the prototype of an electric bicycle with fuel cell drive at the Hannover Messe. NRW Minister Axel Horstmann tests the bicycle, which has a range of around 120 km.


Award for Masterduct

Masterduct is awarded the "Oscar for medium-sized companies" prize. This prize has been awarded to particularly innovative companies from the SME sector since 1995.


Admission to the Prime Standard stock exchange segment

Masterduct AG is admitted to the new Prime Standard segment, the area with the highest transparency requirements for listed companies.


Masterduct AG turns 15!

Masterduct AG celebrates its 15th anniversary.


10th anniversary at Masterduct France

The French subsidiary Masterduct S.A.R.L. celebrates its 10th anniversary.


For the first time 300

Masterduct employs more than 300 employees group-wide.


Acquisition of majority interest in DICOTA GmbH

By acquiring a majority interest in DICOTA GmbH, Masterduct AG is preparing to enter the fuel cell technology market.


Anniversary and site expansion

Ten-year anniversary of Novoplast Schlauchtechnik GmbH and inauguration of a new clean room production hall


Expansion of product range in the USA

Start of production of high-tech hose systems in the USA

Masterflex Group, Masterflex SE: Hinweis auf Börsentafel zum Börsengang der Masterduct AG am 16.Juni 2000 an der Frankfurter Börse mit einem Einstiegspreis von 30,50  DM pro Stück

Stock market launch

Masterduct AG goes public in Frankfurt on June 16 (SMAX/official trading)


Conversion to AG

Masterduct Kunststofftechnik GmbH is converted into Masterduct AG in May. The Board consists of Detlef Herzog (Chairman) and Hiltrud Mütherich (Finance).


Purchase of the company Techno GmbH


Gelsenkirchen site expansion

Masterduct doubles its production area at the Gelsenkirchen site.


Start of US expansion

Purchase of the company Flexmaster U.S.A./Houston

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Combiflex Verbindungssysteme aus PU von Masterduct als Alleinstellungsmerkmal weltweit

World first: Combiflex connecting systems

The world's only supplier of the Combiflex PU joining system


Innovation in truck brake hoses

Development of a new type of PU truck brake hose by the subsidiary Novoplast Schlauchtechnik GmbH

Mastrflex Group,Masterduct: Produktausstellung auf Messestand und Vorstellung des neuartigen Produktionsverfahrens zum Auskleiden von Stahlrohren mit hochabriebfestem PU-Kunststoff

Expansion of the production techniques

Development of a novel process for lining steel pipes with highly abrasion-resistant PU plastic

Masterflex Group, Masterduct Technical Hoses Ltd.: Aussenansicht des Firmengebäudes der neu gegründeten Tochtergesellschaft Masterduct Technical Hoses Ltd., mit Firmensitz in Großbritannien, im Gründungsjahr 1996

Market entry in Great Britain

Foundation of the subsidiary Masterduct Technical Hoses Ltd. in Great Britain


Expansion of the production facilities: France

Construction of a plant in Lyon/France

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Nochmalige Erweiterung der Produktionsfläche in Gelsenkirchen auf Grund der rasanten Expansion

Expansion of the production area

Due to the rapid expansion, further expansion of the production areas in Gelsenkirchen.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct: Grundsteinlegung mit Errichtung der ersten Grundmauern unter Teilnahme von offiziellen Vertretern der Stadt und der Presse

Construction of a headquarters for the Masteflex Group

Construction of a new plant in Gelsenkirchen with 7,300 m² production/administration/warehouse. Since 1994, this has also been the headquarters of the - later globally active - Masterflex Group.


Innovation in plastic formulation

Development of a plastic formulation (a world first) with which for the first time, flame-retardant and officially approved PU hoses can be produced as a replacement for PVC hoses.

Masterflex Group: Aufbau einer neuen Coatingabteilung in Herten mit neuartiger Möglichkeit zum Auskleiden von Polyurethan Schlaeuchen mit besserem Verschleißschutz, die auf Messestand erstmalig präsentiert werden

Coating for PU lining

Establishment of a coating department in Herten: innovative lining of polyurethane (PU) wear hoses. Polyurethane is a very resilient plastic, but is difficult to process.

Masterflex Group, Masterduct S.A.R.L: Außenansicht des Firmengebaeudes der neu gegründeten Tochtergesellschaft Masterduct S.A.R.L., in Lyon, Frankreich, im Gründungsjahr 1991

Expansion into France

Foundation of the subsidiary Masterduct S.A.R.L in Lyon/France


Innovation in process technologies

Development of new process technologies and machines for the processing of high-temperature plastics and high-tech fabrics


Expansion of the production site

Quadrupling of the production area in Herten to 1,600 m²

Masterflex Group: Alte Logo der Masterduct Kunststofftechnik GmbH in schwarz weiß

Company foundation

Foundation of Masterduct Kunststofftechnik GmbH in Herten/Ruhr area with 3 employees. The production area is 400 m².